Did You Recently Purchased A Slow Cooker, Have Plans To Purchase Or Maybe You Have One Already But Don't Know How To Use It Or The Recipes To Prepare It With? Do you want to work, care for your kids, or go hiking while your food cooks unattended to? Do you want the fix it and forget it kind of cooking but not so good at it? If yes, then this book is for you. The Complete Slow Cooker Cookbook consists of how to use your slow cooker to easily prepare your meals. It consist of over 60 delicious and easy to prepare recipes that will suit your taste. Here is a preview of the book content: Tips for using your slow cooker How to care for your slow cooker How to make the right choice of slow cooker Some rules on using the slow cooker Over 60 recipes: Breakfast, soups and stews, meat, beans and grains, snacks and sides, easy dump and go dinners and dessert recipes Get a copy now, and enjoy all these and more!!